Solar Energy Utilization Awareness for Saudi Housing: Makkah Case Study

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Dr. Raed A. Shalwala


Utilizing solar technology allows us to employ and use the energy from the sun; its
generation is attracting worldwide attention because it is environmentally efficient. Saudi
Arabia is endowed with enormous availability of solar energy. This should be the driving
resource for optimal solar energy production. However, photovoltaic (PV) installation is not
as widespread as expected.
This paper investigates public awareness and acceptance of rooftop solar power in Makkah,
Saudi Arabia. Survey forms were provided to a sample of the population in the District of AL
Awali in Makkah to assess people's attitudes toward rooftop solar utilization, their readiness
to do so, and their level of apprehension. The outcome demonstrates a variation in
acceptance, positive attitude, and willingness. The biggest challenges are the comparatively
reduced cost of fossil fuel-dependent power and the shortage of explicit government
motivations. Long-term solar electricity has increased in popularity among homeowners. The
case study research for the Makkah area of AL Awali produced encouraging results and
suggested that a PV system could accomplish a payback in less than six years, which could
be promising.

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