A Method to Explore Healthcare Professionals' Role in Intensive Care Unit: An Interventional Approach

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Badria A Elfaki


Vital functions of healthcare personnel in the intensive care unit are required to prevent
mechanical ventilator (MV)-associated risk factors. Health Professionals must increase their
knowledge and attitude toward the care of MV patients by knowing the indications and
management. This study aims to adopt a protocol to investigate health professional knowledge
and perspectives on mechanical ventilators (MV) and to reveal the value of an intervention.
Health professionals (HPs) from developing countries will be encouraged to participate in this
survey, and an interventional method will be adopted to find the existing knowledge. Health
professionals will undergo an educational intervention for three weeks to enhance their skills.
And after the training program, data were collected using a survey questionnaire containing
knowledge and attitude elements (post-course assessment). The pre-and post-test knowledge
and attitude will be calculated statistically. This project will adopt descriptive and inferential
statistics, and statistical relevancies will be measured. At p0.05, it is projected that HPs posttest
knowledge and attitude scores will be greater than their pre-test levels. The findings will
reveal that the computer-assisted education program with simulation significantly improved
the knowledge and attitude of student nurses regarding the treatment of patients with
mechanical ventilators.

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