Directions for improving the methodology of teaching native language syntax on the basis of modern pedagogical technologies

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Ruziyeva Sadokat Khasanovna


Introduction: The article discusses the use of modeling technology as a modern approach in
the teaching of mother tongue in secondary schools. The article also provides information on
the need and benefits of modeling in education.
Keywords: education, upbringing, teaching, modeling, modern approach, optimization,
general secondary education, continuing education, pedagogy, linguistics, linguistics
Methods: In the article we tried to cover current issues of Uzbek linguistics using such
methods as "Observation", "Analysis", "Comparison", "Comparative". We have highlighted
the need for modeling technology in mother tongue education today.
Conclusions: Today's state educational standards place great demands on the suitability of
students for independent learning activities. Most of the disciplines in the social and
humanities were theoretical. At present, the traditional form of education does not meet the
needs of the public education system and students. That is why we have a task to enrich the
native language lessons of general secondary schools with modern, optimal, independent
teaching technology. This article presents the basics of the need for teaching methods based
on the technology of modeling the syntax of native language lessons.
Discussion: The technology of modeling mother tongue lessons in the general secondary
education system is being introduced as a necessity for the teaching process today. These
processes are being carried out step by step. The results of the process are aimed at the
effectiveness of the education system.

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