Broadening Opportunities of Space Tourism: Billionaire Group Tour of Space Piloting Fiction into Reality

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Ashikul Hoque


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the concept tourism and the contribution billionaires had
in the fast progress of space tourism to become reality from a distant idea. It has analysed the
progress that has been made in the industry and the contribution billionaires and private space
companies had on the development of space tourism. The research has used previously
published materials available on the internet and through review of academic literature. The
article shows that in space travel, there is an aspect of carrying out expeditions for more
knowledge, discovery and understanding of the vast nature of Space. The Private space
companies aim to demonstrate the safety and reliability of space travel to the public through
orbital and suborbital travel.
However the article also discussed that with companies like SpaceX, Astrotourism has been
greatly focused rather than tours to space centres. They are developing sustainable to engage
to go for 100kms into the sub orbit or a trip to the International Space Station are being made
into reality it has used a secondary approach of data collection from pre-published sources and
discussed the progress of space tourism. However, the article also discussed about several
issues need to be considered before it can be deemed that space tourism for recreational
purposes is beneficial. Along with that, the article also approached that the privatisation of
space tourism by billionaires also raises issues of monopoly in the market, which would also
be a point of concern. It is found there has been a significant development and progress in the
space tourism industry in the last two decades. The advent of billionaires and their private space
companies that have improved the Research &Development for recreational space travel to the
suborbital levels. As this article is a source-based review, it has limited originality.

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