Hand gesture identification system for hearing and speech impairment

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Ms. Asma Akil Hakim
Prof. A. D. Harale


Lack of speech is taken into account to be a true incapacity. Individuals with these disabilities use a range of ways to speak with others, there are several forms accessible for his or her communication, one in every of the foremost common varieties of communication further as language. Language is employed by the deaf and also the non-listening share data with their community etc. Electronic recognition of language deals from sign language to the touch and continues till text / speaking. Bit is classified as permanent and versatile. But finding an immediate bit is less complicated than seeing a dynamic bit however each awareness systems are vital in human society. Steps in recognizing language are delineating during this study. Knowledge acquisition, pre-processing and modification of knowledge, feature extraction, segmentation and obtained results are assessed. Alternative pointers for future analysis within the space also are advised.

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