Evolution of Golden Grass Bamboo Species Available In Himachal Pradesh, India

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Dr. Anita Samal
Dr. Sandhya Tiwari
Mr. Om Hari Naryan Kushwaha


Bamboos are lasting woodlike grasses, bearing a spot accompanying the offspring
Bambusaceae. They are the pack-making plants emergent exhausted the subversive rhizomes.
The stem (bitumen) is accompanying particular center points and internodes. Bamboos are
the speediest constituting plants on dust. Himachal Pradesh is systematized in the Western
Himalayan field of India. The region Bilaspur is organized in Shivalik Hills mainly named
the Outer Himalayas or Sub-Himalayan district of Himachal Pradesh. The environment of
Shivalik Hills is reasonable for the bettering of various types of bamboos. Six sorts of
bamboos namely. Bambusa bamboos, Bambusa nutans, Bambusa vulgaris, Dendrocalamus
hamiltonii, Dendrocalamus parishii, and Dendrocalamus strictus are depicted in the design of
the scope of Bilaspur. The mark concerning this paper search out perceive the Bamboo
Species of District Bilaspur of Himachal Pradesh.

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