Informatics, Methods of Teaching Mathematics

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Makhmudova Dilfuza Meliyevna
Toshboyeva Nargiza Yoldashevna
Kuljonov Nadir Jonadil ugli
Abdukodirova Patmakhon Tursunboevna


Informatics teaching methodology Science for students of higher education in general secondary schools, academic Lyceum and vocational teaching Informatics in their colleges, deepening the structure and content of Science from a scientific and psychologicalpedagogical point of view is a course that provides their learning. It is known that mathematics is the most difficult for auxiliary schoolchildren is considered one of the sciences. This, on the one hand, is the science of mathematics abstraction of Dream consonants; on the other hand, auxiliary school on the face of the desire of his students to master mathematical knowledge with originality, the dream is called.

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