Study and Analysis of Impact of Mobility on the Performance of Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks

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Dr B.Lalitha
Dhanaveera Pavan Kumar B
Dr. T Venkata Naga Jayudu
Dr. R Lokanadham
Tummapudi sunil


A semi-analytical approach is proposed to incorporate the effect of mobility on the performance of ad-hoc wireless networks. To quantify the impact of mobility using this approach, an ideal network communication scenario without inter-node interference and a realistic network communication with inter-node interference have been considered. Apart from it, the Reserve-and-Go (RESGO) MAC protocol has been characterized by multi-hop route reservation and an absence of collision-based retransmission in intermediate links. This approach has also been investigated the relation between mobility models (i.e. DP (Direction Persistent) and DNP (Direction Non Persistent)), their switching strategies (i.e. RBS (Reservation Based Switching) and ONRBS (Oppurtuitistic Non Reservation Based Switching)) and their impact on BER (Bit Error Rate) performance at multi hop route.

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