The State of Reseach on Some Magnetooptical Properties of Nanomaterials

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Оchilov Odil Оchilovich
Rustamov Umid Raxmatovich
Malikov Кomiljon Xamidovich
Ismatov Аsqar Anvarovich


This review analyzes some results of the study of the magneto-optical properties of magnetic nanoparticles, nanomaterials and nanostructures. Various methods for obtaining nanostructures are discussed and analyzed. The results of studies of nonlinear and nonlinear optical properties of magnetic nanomaterials are presented. The possibilities of creating magnetic nanomaterials with desired properties are shown. Finding useful approaches for research in the direction of searching for new promising magnetic nanomaterials. Analysis and comparison of the results of the study of the magneto-optical properties of magnetic nanoparticles, nanomaterials and nanostructures. In recent decades, unique technological possibilities have emerged for the creation of nanostructured magnetic materials, due to the excitation of optical resonances in which optical radiation is localized in magnetic films and a more efficient interaction of light and magnetization is observed. The ability to influence the magnetic characteristics of the synthesized nanoparticles by changing their morphology and thermal treatment can change the crystal structure of the core and shell.

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