The Importance of Innovation Technologies in the Development of Reading and Writing Skills of Schoolchildren

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Kadirova Shahnoza Xudoyberdiyevna
Qurbonova Yulduz Jumayevna
Tojiyeva Shirin Xolboy qizi


The preschool system is the primary, most basic link in continuing education. "According to the scientific conclusions of specialists and educators, a person receives 70% of all information and information that he receives during his lifetime at the age of 5 years. This argument clearly demonstrates how important the education of the preschool educational organization is in the maturation of our children as a mature and competent person. There is no need to go far in search of additional proof of this. It is not difficult to notice that there is a celestial difference between the level of their thinking and the level of their thinking when comparing a child who received preschool education with a child who did not go to preschool education. That is why we raised the issue of revising the preschool education system to the level of Public Policy and began a great deal of work on this. If we do not carry out this work carefully in every possible way, it will be difficult for us to achieve a qualitative change in the entire educational system, to ensure the continuity of Education, " Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted “Today it is difficult to imagine all areas of the socio-spiritual life of our country without information technology.” “And it should be noted that there is not yet a qualitative and complete solution to the problems of teaching children and young people in-depth special subjects, the history of our country and world civilization, foreign languages and modern computer programs.

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