Technical Problems and Solutions of Energy Saving In the Electrical Supply System in Industry

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To`ychiyeva Mahliyo Obidjon Qizi
Erkinov Akobirbek Akmaljon o‘g‘li
Jamoldinov Oybek Odiljon o‘g‘li
Qosimov Ibrohimjon Qosimjon o‘g‘li
Yuldashev Abdulaxad Tojiddin o‘g‘li
Abdusattarov Azizbek Abdug‘Affaor o‘g‘li


Based on this, the article states that the training of qualified young professionals with knowledge and skills in the rational use of energy resources plays an important role in solving the above urgent task. In particular, local manufacturers and foreign enterprises are involved in the development and installation of coal-fired boilers. Energy saving is carried out on the basis of the results of conducting energy tests (on the eve of the design and commissioning of the enterprise) and on the basis of the comparison of the actual comparative energy capacity and costs in product production and service with the normative values of the comparative energy capacity. is increased.

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